Hokkaido Wildlife Guide
, by Kazu
It is no secret that Hokkaido's wildlife is both varied and spectacular. This article shares our favourite wildlife to see in Hokkaido, as well as tips on all the best spots to view them.

One of the things that makes Hokkaido’s outdoors so special is the unique fauna that call this island home. With big bears, giant eagles, tiny airborne squirrels and pika left behind from the last ice age, Hokkaido’s animal life is rich and varied.
Hokkaido has the lowest population density in Japan and we humans are outnumbered at times by our animal friends. In this Hokkaido wildlife guide, I will introduce what animals you can see in Hokkaido.
But first, I will introduce myself. Konnichiwa, my name is Kazu. I am one of the founders of and guides at Adventure Hokkaido. I have been living in Higashikawa at the foot of the Daisetsuzan mountains in Hokkaido since 2001.
I believe sustainable tourism is vital for the health of our environment. I want as many people as possible to enjoy our incredible outdoors, whilst protecting it for future generations.

Hokkaido is a paradise for wildlife watching. Long separated from the rest of Japan by the deep Tsugaru Strait, the wildlife in Hokkaido has more in common with that in Siberia than on mainland Japan.
Many of the animals I list in this blog are found only in Hokkaido or Russia’s far east. The distinct fauna in Hokkaido was first noted by an English naturalist called Thomas Blakiston, who lived in Hokkaido for many years. The difference in flora and fauna between Hokkaido and the rest of Japan is now known as Blakiston’s line.
Only in Hokkaido can you see these unique animals without spending days travelling into the remote wilderness. Here in Hokkaido, you can retire to an onsen hot-spring after watching the giant Blakiston’s Fish Owl outside your hotel.
See Brown Bears in Shiretoko National Park

The Brown Bear, or Higuma in Japanese, is one of the world's largest Brown Bears. Adult males weigh over 200kg. They are larger than the black bears found elsewhere in Japan.
The Ainu, Hokkaido’s indigenous people, know the bears as Kimun Kamuy, the god of the mountains. They play a significant role in Ainu culture, including the ceremony called iomante, where villagers sacrificed a bear cub after raising it for two years as if it was their own child.
Some fear Higuma, and that fear is not entirely unfounded - rare attacks on humans do occur. However, Higuma are much more likely to be found dining on wild plants or berries than on hikers. In fact, the rate of attacks on humans is extremely low! With simple precautions to avoid startling them, I believe we can safely coexist.
Where are the bears in Hokkaido?
Higuma live throughout the island of Hokkaido. Bear sightings are especially common in Shiretoko National Park and at Kogen Numa, in the eastern part of Daisetsuzan National Park.
With one of the densest populations of Brown Bears, Shiretoko is one of our favourite places for bear watching. The peninsula has seen little human development, making for a truly wild bear habit. On our Japan's Far East guided tour, we head out on a small boat to travel beyond the trails to see Higuma walking up and down the coast. It's a way to see bears that usually only the local fishermen experience.
Top tips for spotting a bear in the wild in Hokkaido
Where – Shiretoko National Park.
When – Mid-summer to early autumn. Brown Bears can regularly be found roaming the coast in search of food!
Time required – 2 hours round trip. The nature cruise starts near the town of Rausu and goes all the way to the tip of the peninsula if the weather allows.
Probability of seeing – 50:50
See Northern Pika at Mt. Hakuunzan in Daisetsuzan National Park

The Japanese name for the Northern Pika, Nakiusagi, means “crying rabbit” and it is the squeaky cries amongst the rocks that give away the presence of these cute little pika.
The Northern Pika is thought to have come to Hokkaido from Siberia during the last ice age. Once the sea levels rose again, they were cut off from their relatives and have pushed higher and higher into Hokkaido’s rocky mountains as temperatures have increased.
Mt. Hakuunzan at the southern end of Daisetsuzan National Park is one of the best places to see them.
The hike itself is one of my favourite routes in Hokkaido, climbing through the old forest above Lake Shikaribetsu. But the highlight is at the rocky summit. Crossing the boulder field, I pause and listen for the telltale “Kitz” cries. Once I hear them, I know I will eventually spot a fluffy Nakiusagi perched on a rock.
They apparently like raised rocks to get a good view, but I think they just like posing for photos!
Top tips for seeing the Northern Pika in Hokkaido
Where – Mt. Hakuunzan in southern Daisetsuzan National Park
When to go – Spring through Autumn – They don’t hibernate but are a lot harder to see in winter.
Time required – A half day to a full day depending on how long you wait for the perfect pose.
Probability of seeing – Fairly common but you will need some time and luck
Watch Steller’s Sea Eagles & White-tailed Eagles off the coast of Rausu

The White-tailed eagle is one of the largest birds of prey, closely related to the Bald Eagles of America. Watching them take gracefully to the sky with their 2 meter wide wings is an impressive sight. There is a healthy population of the eagles living year-round on Hokkaido, with over 150 pairs known to breed here.
But bigger still is the Steller's Sea Eagle, so big that the Japanese name Ōwashi literally means big eagle! The eagles are only found around the Sea of Okhotsk. They breed in along the coast of Siberia and winter in Sakhalin, the Kuril islands and Hokkaido.
While you can see the beautiful birds on land, the best way to see them is by heading out onto the frozen ocean. Every winter the local fishermen head out amongst the drift ice to catch Alaskan Pollock. The eagles make the most of this opportunity and congregate on the ice, catching any fish that escape the boats. They have even been known to approach fishermen they trust and take fish off the boat.
The wildlife watching cruise from Rausu is captained by a former local fisherman. He pilots the boat through the drift ice so you can get an up-close look at these majestic birds in their natural habitat.
Top Tips for seeing Steller’s Sea Eagle in Hokkaido
Where – Rausu, Shiretoko
When to go – Late January to mid March
Time required – Just a few hours – You will get cold!
Probability of seeing – Pretty likely – The eagles are comfortable around humans, so gather around working fishermen.
Siberian Flying Squirrels in Kitoushi Forest, Higashikawa

I am possibly biased towards these little white balls of fluff as they live practically in my backyard, the Kitoushi Forest where I run the Daisetsuzan Nature School. That said, with their big black eyes they are very cute and watching them glide up to 50m through the forest is a spectacle.
While they are active year-round, winter is the best time to see them. A Siberian Flying Squirrel (Momonga) viewing trip involves strapping snowshoes on your feet before heading out before sunrise into the freezing dark. The nocturnal Momonga head back to their holes as the sun comes up, giving us a chance of spotting one in flight.
Top tips for seeing Siberian Flying Squirrels in Hokkaido
Where – Kitoushi Forest, Higashikawa
When to go – Winter
Time required – A few days – You are unlikely to see one on your first go so I would recommend spending a few days in Higashikawa going out each morning.
Probability of seeing – You’re really lucky if you see one
Blakiston’s Fish Owl at Yoroushi Onsen

The Blakiston’s Fish Owl is the largest living owl. They are very rare, with between 160 – 180 owls found only in eastern Hokkaido and Kunashiri Island. As a fish hunter, the Shimafukuro live in old forests that surround fish-filled rivers. Due to their size, they need large old trees to breed and deforestation has severely impacted their numbers. Fortunately, local conservationists are hard at work in Hokkaido preserving a habitat where the owls can breed.
The Ainu, the indigenous people of Hokkaido, also traditionally lived along the rivers of Hokkaido. It is no surprise that the owl is a big part of Ainu culture. The Ainu call the owls “Kotan koru Kamuy”, the god that protects the village. It features in many folk stories watching over the communities. As I explore the local forests, I often feel like a pair of big yellow eyes is watching me from somewhere.
Yoroushi Onsen area in northeast Hokkaido has hot-spring rivers that don’t freeze and dense old-growth forests. The perfect habitat for Shimafukuro. A local hot spring hotel, Yuyado Daiichi, even has a cozy warm viewing space where guests can shoot photos of the owls that visit the hotel’s backyard in the evening.
How to see Blakiston’s Fish Owl in Hokkaido?
When to go – The owls can be seen year around, but are perhaps more common in the winter when other food sources are rarer.
Time required – One night – The nocturnal owls visit during the evening so you will need to stay the night.
Probability of seeing – 50:50
Watch the dances of Red-crowned Cranes (Tancho) in Tsurui

These majestic white and black cranes have been a part of Japanese culture for centuries, they are the inspiration behind origami cranes. They form lifelong pairs and live for up to 40 years so perhaps we see some of ourselves in them. Although their elegant mating dances put my fancy footwork to shame! The Ainu called the majestic birds “Sarurun Kamuy”, the god of the marshes.
Sadly they were nearly hunted to extinction in the 19th century with only a few birds surviving in the marshes of eastern Hokkaido. Thankfully the numbers have rebounded due to diligent conservation efforts with over 1000 now living in Hokkaido, half of the global population. The cranes in Hokkaido are also the only resident population, travelling less than 200km between summer and winter habitats.
Crane spotting is one of my favourite winter trips. While the cranes disappear into the marshes to brood in the summer months, in winter they regularly visit farm fields, like those at the Tsurui Ito Tancho Red-crowned Crane Sanctuary. Originally the land of a farmer who fed the few remaining cranes to get them through the harsh winters, the sanctuary has been critical to the crane’s recovery. The now healthy crane population can be seen in the fields and streams around Tsurui and watching them dance and sing set against a snowy background is one of my favourite winter experiences.
How to see the Red-crowned Cranes in Hokkaido
Where – Tsurui Ito Tancho Red-crowned Crane Sanctuary,
45 minutes from Kushiro in eastern Hokkaido
When to go – Winter
Time required – Half day
Probability of seeing – It’s a sure thing in winter. The cranes will always come at feeding time at the sanctuary. With some searching you can also find them along the rivers around town.
Witness White-fronted Geese rush hour at Miyajima Marsh

These migratory geese (known as Magan in Japanese) cover many many miles every year. In summers they breed in Siberia before heading south to escape the harsh winter. Some spend their winter holidays in Europe, others in the middle east while a sizable population winters in mainland Japan.
En route between the summer and winter homes, the geese descend on Miyajima Marsh, about 1 hour north of Sapporo, for a huge get-together. After spending the day eating leftover grains in the nearby rice fields, the geese return to the Ramsar designated wetland in the evening. The V-shaped flocks of geese in the sky remind me of my time in Sapporo, but watching flock after flock splashing down into the marsh at dusk is something else. Before long, up to 70,000 geese have filled the marsh.
At dawn the geese all launch back into the sky in a moment of avian chaos. The first time I saw it I thought there had been an explosion, but it was the sound of 70,000 geese all taking off simultaneously. Soon the whole flock is swooping away over the fields in search of food again.
How to see White-fronted Geese in Hokkaido
Where – Miyajima Marsh, Bibai
When to go – Dusk and Dawn in April and Late September to Early October
Time required – Half day
Probability of seeing – With up to 70,000 birds, they are hard to miss!
Spot Sea Otters off Cape Kiritappu

Another animal that has seen a resurgence lately is the Rakko or Sea Otter. Historically they used to be found along Hokkaido’s coastline. Rakko feature prominently in Ainu culture; one of the most famous Ainu stories, Kutune Shirka, is about a golden otter and Rakko, the Japanese word for Otter, is an Ainu word.
They have almost vanished from our shores in modern times. But encouragingly, the numbers on the shores of Cape Kiritappu have been increasing. I was excited to see 10 of them bobbing amongst the waves when I recently visited with my family. They are best seen from the walking path that leads along the cliff tops to the cape. With a bit of practice, you can quickly spot them hunting for Sea Urchin or climbing on the rocks.
How to see Sea Otters in Hokkaido
When to go – Year around
Time required – Half day
Probability of seeing – 50:50
Take to the sea with Orca off the coast of Rausu, Shiretoko

Every winter the Okhotsk sea around the Shiretoko peninsula is full of ice that has drifted down from the north. The plankton that is transported south by this ice makes the waters around Shiretoko incredibly rich with a variety of marine animals. Perhaps the most impressive of these is the Orca or Repun Kamuy – God of the ocean – in Ainu.
Each year up to 300 Orca visit the Nemuro strait, between Shiretoko and Kunashiri island. The Orca travel in family groups, with the same families returning every year. I always like trying to see if I recognise any familiar faces.
While the whales come close enough to shore that they can be occasionally seen from land, heading out on a nature cruise lets you see them up close and personal. The cruise company that offers the eagle watching cruises in winter also does whale watching in summer. The upper deck of the two-story boats has a great view of the surrounding ocean and the staff follow the whales’ movements and know the best spots to see them. I have also seen Minke Whales and Dall’s Porpoises on the cruise and have been lucky enough to see a Humpback Whale jumping out of the water.
How to see Orca in Hokkaido
Where – Rausu, Shiretoko Peninsula
When to go – May – July
Time required – 2.5 hours
Probability of seeing – It takes some luck. The strait is wide and deep, even with hundreds of whales there is no guarantee they will surface nearby.
Recommended reading
These books are our own study source! Published by Japan Nature Guides, they help you discover more about the wildlife and nature of Hokkaido and Japan. The books are written by Dr. Mark Brazil who’s been sharing the wonders of Japanese birds and wildlife with the international visitors since the 1980s. They are available online or directly from the Japan Nature Guides team.

(From left to right)
Wild Hokkaidō: A Guidebook to the National Parks and other Wild Places of Eastern Hokkaidō
The Nature of Japan: From Dancing Cranes to Flying Fish
A Pocket Guide to the Common and Iconic Mammals of Japan
A Pocket Guide to the Common and Iconic Birds of Japan
Local knowledge helps you spot the wildlife in Hokkaido

Hopefully, this blog has inspired you to grab your binoculars and head out wildlife watching. With so much natural space, Hokkaido is a great place to see wild animals in their natural habitat. As well as lucky sightings of the rare animals in this list, we see other animals such as Japanese deer and Red fox almost every time we head out into the wilds. This island is truly teeming with life.
While you can’t guarantee seeing an animal on a given day (they are wild animals after all), travelling with a local guide who knows the habits and movements of these animals gives you the best chance of seeing one.
At Adventure Hokkaido we have years of experience searching out these creatures big and small. We have poured that knowledge into not only our wildlife tours but also our hiking and cycling tours. I hope to see you here soon and show you my favourite spots.
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